The color map…
For those who already know me and read my articles since a long time, you know probably all the good I think about engineers focusing ONLY on colors…
If you don’t know what I am talking about, read this article: From stress color painting to real FEA
So…Why am I talking about the color map?
Well… even if you should never focus exclusively on colors, if you are a salome-meca user, you still want to be able to know how you can change them in Paravis…
(No, that’s not obvious…)
That’s why I decided to make this simple, but useful video tutorial which will teach you:
- How to change the legend scale
- How to change the colors of your legend
- How to use the preset color maps to adapt to the right model
Let’s see how to do exactly that in Paravis, the module dedicated to post-processing in Salome-Meca
Now the video:
By the way, if you don’t know it, Paravis is the module dedicated to post-processing of Salome-Meca. It is based on Paraview which is a very powerful open-source software for result post-processing.
Ok, that’s all for today~
If you like this tutorial, please help me to share it with your colleagues, friends or people you know on social networks, it is really a big help to spread and share engineering knowledge, Thank you!
Cyprien “King of the color map” Rusu
Hi Cyprien, how to change the number of decimals in the legend shown on color map. For example in the video shown instead of 1.513E-5 as max value, can I show 1.5E-5 or the other way round?
Thank you.
Go into the Properties Window, then find “Coloring”. Click on the last icon on the right to “Edit Legend Color Properties”, then in this window, click on the gear icon at the right of the search field. Then find the category “Labels” and you will see that the last item of the list is “Range Label Format”. By default, it is set to “%-#6.2e”. This is some kind of code that means that the formatting should be scientific notation with 2 decimals. If you edit that to “%-#6.3e”, you will see that you have now a different number of decimals shown in the legend.
Not very intuitive I know… hope it helps
Thank you Cyprien! It works.