Today, I just have a stroke of Genius (up to you to decide if it is or not…) and I wanted to share it with you !
I will share with you a simple solution to overcome meshing problems
I realized that many times when I performed the meshing process, the mesher stayed stuck at 31% and I couldn’t find why, but after asking to the developers, I realized that when it is stuck at 31%, it basically means that the surface meshing is failing and thus solid meshing cannot take place…
To understand that, you must know that 3D AUto-mesher is working like that:
– first it meshes the boundary surfaces with 2D mesh
– then it fills the inside with 3D Mesh
–> The reason that it stays stuck at 31% is that there is something strange with the external surfaces of my CAD model and that I need to simplify it: You can check this previous post about the topic if you are not familiar with 3D CAD model simplification for FEA
How can I find where my model is wrong and correct it???
This is where I am telling you I found some innovative way to check where your model is not meshing in order to repair it
And yes, I made a video for you !! :)
Let me know if it works for you too !
Nice job!!!
This is brilliant! Thank you!