A lot of companies now are talking about the « cloud » but not everyone knows what it actually means… As you might be required at some time or another to run your FEA “into the cloud”… better understand what is means ;-) As usual, let’s break down what it means and make everything simple to understand […]
How to measure voltage in OnScale Double Tonpilz Acoustic Simulation
A lot of people ask me about how to extract the voltage in OnScale, so I decided to make a quick video to show how to do that. So here’s the basic problem: Let’s suppose that you want to model two Tonpilz Transducers (or BLTs) in 3D in OnScale. You apply voltage to one of […]
What is a sound wave & How does it propagate?
For this new article on the blog, I decided to go into a new domain of engineering I never talked about until now: Acoustics and Sound Wave Propagation! It’s always exciting to enter and discover a new type of physics because I start to see more possibilities around me and it allows me to understand […]