Let’s talk about how to use Paraview with Python!
Using Paraview GUI is easy when we get used to it, but then it may also start to become repetitive as we generally want to post-process the same model in the same filters and look at the same data…
What if you didn’t have to click on all those filters and options every time and instead you could automate all your paraview post-processing using Python?
Well, It’s certainly possible and I will teach you that it is not difficult at all as you can trace all your actions and build macros almost automatically.
Watch the video:
In this 11th tutorial for Paraview, I will teach you:
- How you can use Python within Paraview
- How to record a Python Macro
- How to use Paraview with Python with the GUI
- How to understand a simple Paraview Python Script
- And much more!
All the tutorials are available in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxcU6Upz5ZA&list=PLvkU6i2iQ2fpcVsqaKXJT5Wjb9_ttRLK-
If you have some difficulties to install Python, watch this video:
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