This is a specialist level training webinar about the theory at the core of OnScale Solvers.
All Engineers who want to learn more about FEA Analysis and how nonlinear explicit dynamic simulation should watch it…
Nonlinear Explicit and Implicit Dynamic Analysis are used in many fast dynamic applications, such as:
- Impact Analysis of a projectile
- Crash on the ground of electronic equipment
- Nonlinear buckling with large deformations
- and much more…
That’s also the method OnScale uses to calculate Piezo-Acoustic-mechanical coupled dynamic problems and get real world results out of it!
In this webinar you will learn about:
- An overview of what is linear dynamic analysis
- When it is necessary to consider non-linearity and the different types of non-linearity
- The difference between implicit and explicit, the 2 types of methods used to integrate nonlinear dynamic systems
- What is nonlinear explicit analysis
- How we can keep explicit analysis stable: the CFL Condition
- Some typical applications
If you have any question or comment, just leave it on the page here!

Cyprien “teaching explicitly” Rusu
Dear sir,
I would like to post my Query here regarding to FEA analysis of my problem,
We have a rectangular structure of 1meter length to the width of 0.3meter shape and 0.06m depth after machining operations it got distorted permanent and affected the required geometrical accuracy of flatness.
I would like to simulate the machining impact over structure.
So that based on the result i would like to change my structure design such that to avoid distortion while machining.
How to simulate the machining operation over the structure?Is it viable or too complicate? If viable means can you give some suggestions like boundary conditions like cutting forces calculation etc.Is this comes under explicit problem or transient dynamic catagory?Anys sugestion welcome.