Yes, I know, the title looks incredibly unbelievable… how can you use the same methodology to improve any kind of system? Well… As incredible as it seems, it is perfectly true. The name of this methodology is called the “Trial and Error” Method. This is something than I learned maybe when I was 10 years […]
Why you should learn to use rare CAE software now
Today, I am writing a very short piece of advice, but a very important one especially for young engineers. …And that’s also something that no one will ever tell you! Read my advice and you’ll see… If you are a young engineer just starting your career as a mechanical engineer, you may be thinking: “I […]
Perfect FEA Software – 2 min Survey
A lot of the FEA software currently on the market are old (but many are very good as well!) Today I was asking myself the following question: What kind of awesome software could we develop now with all the modern technology that we have that didn’t exist few years ago? Interesting question! Isn’t it? But […]
How to recognize a beginner in FEA?
Do you know what is the best way to recognize someone without any experience in FEA? Just ask him this question…
Finite Element Method: What is the most important knowledge you should have about it?
You don’t get everyday the chance to interview the professor who taught you for the first time about the finite element method. Fortunately, I got this chance… Zoubeir Lafhaj is the professor who introduced me about the finite element method and… he made it so interesting that I felt the need to understand it in […]
[Podcast] Why is the job of the FEA engineer so challenging?
I share a lot of written articles, and sometimes videos also… but it’s been some time I am thinking to record also a “Podcast”, so today I made a first try to hopefully launch the discussion on an extremely important topic…FEA Simulation & Product innovation. So Here’s the topic of today’s discussion: Why is FEA […]