You are new to CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), but you would like to have some basis ?
I just made a useful webinar about CFD analysis that you can watch to understand more about it. You will learn:
– When and why you need to use CFD
– What kind of problems you can solve using CFD
– How to simulate the external flow around a model
Here is the full video– Don’t forget to leave some comments :)
Thanks a lot for your very useful share.
I would like to ask a question. Do you have any information about fluid structure interaction analysis (fsi)? If you have, can you describe a path to be a master on it rougly.
Thanks for your concern already.
Best regards.
Hello Talha,
FSI is quite an interesteing topic.
i presented during the webinar how to perform analysis with uncoupled fluid structure interactions.
Unfortunately, i do not have experience of real coupled FSI.
Great website about FEA software. Do you have any interesting materials in pdf or ppt (PowerPoint presentation)? I want to look into but not in webinar.
Nice to know it interests you. Yes, I have some material that I can send to you. Are you interested only about CFD or also about other types of analysis ? Should I send it to the email you indicated ?
Hi Cyprien great website, can u please share me if u have done any cfd for the solar mounting structures in arrays that means like array of something like 4 to 5 tables in row wise or else the procedure of wind tunnel test by using cfd .
Hi Cyprien ,
Great work on the website ! Wonderfully informative and helpful as well. I recently got my hands on the midas nfx application and I cant seem to get a simulation running. The error i keep getting is “> [Error] Failed to generate a file for solver: Analysis Data”. I could not find any solution for this error online and I was hoping you could help me sort this out. Cheers!