If you’ve been reading my blog for some time, you probably know that I have written a lot of blog posts about modal analysis.
Not long ago, I did a webinar about modal analysis which had some additional details I have never really mentioned in my previous videos, so I decided to turn it into another video ;-)
This time, there are slides and even a bit of theory… so if you are interested to know the equations behind modal analysis, this might be interesting for you.
Here’s the video:
In this video, you will learn:
- What modal analysis is
- The kind of results you can get from modal analysis
- The concepts to understand well for modal analysis
- Natural frequencies, Fourier transform and how frequency and time domains are linked
- A bit of theory about modal analysis
- What you don’t get doing modal analysis
Good job (as usual).
Two small remarks, one quite useless and the other may be a bit less (I hope) :
– I’m surprised by the way you pronounce finite, and even the Cambridge dictionary seems to validate the fact that it’s pronounced ˈfaɪnaɪt both in british and american english
– I’m not sure the concept of motion is the good one to distinguish static from dynamic problems. Even in a static anlaysis, objects do “move”. I prefer (but it is less intuitive) the fundamental difference : in a static analysis, inertial effects can be neglected.
Hi Eric,
Good to know the correct prononciation.
I am French and no one ever corrected me on how to pronounce that word… I’ll try to pay attention next time!
I agree to you about the second point, but it is just easier for beginners to understand that Dynamic means motion.
“Inertial Effects can be neglected” is harder to understand for non-specialists (95% of people reading this I think ;-) )