CFD Analysis Introduction Webinar
This is a specialist level training webinar for users of midas NFX and all Engineers who want to learn more about FEA and CFD Analysis. If you always wondered how to analyse the flow inside or outside industrial equipment, or wondered about heat transfer coupled flow analysis, then this webinar is for you. During […]
Topology Optimization for Better Design
Heat Transfer and Thermal Stress Simulation in Structural Analysis
What is an FEA Solver ?
It’s been a long time since the last time I wrote on the blog, but FEA is an area where there are a lot of things to explain and I will continue to explain the contents which interest most of FEA engineers. Thanks to Fisible for proposing today’s subject ;-) I am waiting for your […]
5 Tips to improve your FEA analysis workflow
In this post, i will present 5 easy tips to improve your FEA analysis workflow. What I saw from experience is that a lot of engineers are in such a hurry to perform their simulation that they want to make the workflow as fast as possible. They import the CAD model, select all the parts, […]